Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the carnival rolls on all the same.

This is another circus holiday workshop, one I did with El Kirschbaum. You may note similarities between this one and the other circus workshop script Clown Town. The main difference between that one and this one is the Nigglesnush. What is a Nigglesnush? I don't think anyone knows, except for the girl that decided she would be a Nigglesnoosh. Also this one is named after a Mikelangelo & The Black Sea Gentlemen song. Actually, now that I look at it, this one is completely different to the last one. For whatever reason when I was writing for thirteen 7 - 9 year olds I decided it would be an awesome idea to write a ten minute script with about forty characters in it. What an idiot, Hadley.

Onwards, after the cut!

the carnival rolls on all the same

Narrator One: Welcome to Canberra, where everyone is serious!

Everyone is boring public servants talking on phones, or with important documents, walking backwards and forwards.

One of them trips the other one, turn into tumbling routine.

One: You tripped me!

Two: No, you tripped me!

Three: I’m calling my lawyer!

Four: I’ll see you in court!

Five: You’ll never get away with this!

Six: How dare you!

Seven: I’m calling my mechanic!

Eight: I am your mechanic!

Nine: This is terrible!

Ten: Help, help!

Eleven: Who tripped me?

Twelve: How did I get over here?

Thirteen: I’m calling my nigglesnoosh!

They all stop, sit up, are confused.

Narrator Two: But little did they know, the circus was in town!

Narrator Three: The eeeeeeeeeeeevil circus!

Ringmaster and Evil Scientist. and the three Clownobats enter.

Ringmaster: I am so evil right now!  Watch as I transform this hamburger…

Ringmaster puts a hanky over hamburger, and casts a magic spell.

Ringmaster: Into a cheese burger!

Ringmaster reveals the same burger.

Ringmaster: WHO SAID THAT?! Where are my hench people?

Evil Scientist: Evil Scientist reporting for evilness! I have made the magic fog that will transform these normal people!

Clownobat One: Clownobat One reporting for evilness!

Clownobat Two: Clownobat Two reporting for evilness!

Clownobat Three: Clownobat Three reporting for puppies!

They all give her a look.

Clownobat Three: Evil puppies!

Ringmaster: Now, go, my evil clown acrobats! Go and do evil things! Muahahaha!

They all evilly laugh.

Gold fish owner is sitting with their gold fish.

Gold fish owner: I love you Mr. Gold Fish! You’re my best friend.

Clownobats pop up.

Clownobat One: Use the magic fog to switch their brains.

Clownobat Two: Using the magic fog!

Clownobat Three: I wish we were puppies.

They blow the fog on Goldfish Owner, who twitches, and turns into a fish.

Goldfish Owner: I’m hungry… I’m hungry… I’m hungry… I’m hungry…

Wife comes home from a long day at work.

Wife: Honey, I’m home!

Husband: Help, I’ve been turned into a bowl of soup!

Wife: Oh no!


Wife: Now who is going to cook me dinner?


Wife siddles up to the soup and eats it.

Public Servant runs in.

Public Servant: I really need to use the toilet!

They run out, scream and run back in. Talking Toilet comes in.

Public Servant: Who are you?

Talking Toilet: I am your toilet!

Public Servant: But you’re a person!

Talking Toilet: Some weird clownobats blew magic fog on me, and turned me into a person.

Public Servant: That is so inconvenient!

Talking Toilet: I shouldn’t be!

Princess is being waited on by servant.

Princess: Bring me tea.

Servant: YES

Clownobats blow fog on the Princess.

Princess: Now bring me… bring me… a fly!

Servant: YES

Princess eats a fly, and slowly starts turning into a toad.

Princess: I think I’m turning into a toad!

Servant: And I am turning into… a… nigglesnush!

Clownobats pop back up.

Clownobat One: A what?

Clownobat Two: She’s supposed to be a toad!

Clownobat Three: What’s a Nigglesnush?

Nigglesnush: Nigglesnush!

Scientists from the Nigglesnush Institute enter with whiteboard.

Scientist One: Don’t worry, we are from the Nigglesnush Research Institute!

Scientist Two: We have pie charts!

Scientist Three: Graphs!

Scientist Four: Eyewitness reports!

Nigglesnush: So what is a Nigglesnush?

Scientist Five: We have no idea! Quick! Do something fun!

They do a juggling routine.

Evil Scientist: I must have the Nigglesnush to experiment on! Evilly!

Ringmaster: Isn’t this supposed to be about me turning everyone evil?

All: Shh!

Evil Scientist hops on the phone.

Evil Scientist: Hello, I wish to hire the greatest Nigglesnush Catcher in the entire world!

Nigglesnush Catcher: That’s me! I am the greatest Nigglesnush Catcher that has ever caught a Nigglesnush.

Evil Scientist: Great!

Nigglesnush Catcher: I have set a trap, with a Nigglesnush’s favourite food!

Evil Scientist: What is a Nigglesnushes favourite food?

Nigglesnush Catcher: I don’t know!

They do their pyramid.

Ringmaster: Now I have the nigglesnush my plan is almost complete!

The ninja bunnies all run in.

Bunny Leader: We are here to defeat you!

Bunny Assistant Manager: Yeah!

Bunny: Yeah!

Bunny Leader: Just like we defeated you in Mars, and in the Wild West!

Bunny Assistant Manager: Yeah!

Bunny: When were we on Mars?

Ringmaster: You will never defeat me! I will not stop until everyone in this boring town have been turned into brooms and bowls of soup and other stuff!

Bunny Leader: These boring people deserve to be boring! We challenge you to a skip off!

Ringmaster: My secret weakness!

Evil Scientist: Don’t worry, we can use the nigglesnush to defeat them!

Nigglesnush: Nigglesnush?

Evil Scientist: Okay, maybe not.

They have a skip off. The Ninja Bunny Leader does fine, the Ringmaster does not.

Ringmaster: I’m melting! Meltingggggg!

Evil Scientist: Clownobats! Distract them while I escape! Clownobats? Clownobats? Hello?

Clownobats: Nigglesnush.

Narrator Four: And everything returned to normal! Sort of…

Everyone goes back to being boring public servants, and slowly build a big pyramid.

The end!

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